Sunday, December 4, 2016

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday, What Are You Reading? Dec 5 Edition

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia who now blogs at To Be Continued. It is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Mailbox Monday now has a permanent home on its blog. Link up to share your MM.

Yikes, it's December. Already. I am so looking forward to some downtime when the kids get off school for the holidays. For now, life is busy as ever. I lost a family friend and attended her funeral today. So sad. I kissed and hugged my kids more often after that.

Two books in the mail this past week:

The Skeleton Code: A Satirical Guide to Secret Keeping by Alla Campanella and Ken Massey

THE SKELETON CODE reveals why we keep secrets, how this covert lifestyle affects our relationships, and the different types of secrets we keep, including:
• The “secret” secret, which is the worst secret of all.
• The two secrets you never want to keep from people you love or from yourself."
• The truth about transparency and why it’s a powerful path to personal freedom

In the first part of THE SKELETON CODE, which is stinging satire, the authors provide strategies that have protected politicians and socialites alike. THE SKELETON CODE, interviews with real people whose names have been changed reveal how keeping skeletons in the closet ruined relationships and derailed lives. You can use the facetious strategies of THE SKELETON CODE and maximize a self-deluding way of life.

Or you can discover the The Skeleton Cure and imagine not having to keep up appearances at work, being completely relaxed around your family and friends, not having to remember your cover-ups, deceptions, exaggerations, or excuses.

Sandy's Gift: Walking With the Light by William P. Dunn IV

Sandy’s Gift: Walking With The Light is an intimate and shocking true story of love and courageous struggle against a flawed healthcare system in the wake of a heartbreaking and poignant family tragedy. It is a moving tribute to the virtue of tenacious devotion and a chilling wake-up all for everyone, especially those whose lives have been impacted by the presence and aftermath of mental illness.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

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  1. I hope you are enjoying listening to The Velvet Hours. I love Alyson Richman's writing. I look forward to your review.
    Have a lovely week, happy reading.

    1. So far both the story and the narrator have caught my attention. I haven't read any other books by Alyson Richman so this is a treat.

  2. I've been eyeing the audio of The Velvet Hours and need to give it a try. I hope you enjoy your reads this week.
    Here's my It's Monday! post

  3. Death always makes us appreciate life and loved ones I think. The Skeleton Code sounds fascinating and well... kind of tempting.

    1. I agree Kathryn. Yeah, I'm curious about The Skeleton Code too.

  4. Oh I'm sorry to hear about your friend! All my condolences and best wishes.

    I'm having trouble believing we're in December too. The Skeleton Code certainly looks interesting.

  5. So sorry for your loss. I hope you find some comfort for your pain.

  6. So sorry about the loss of your family friend. Those events do make us hold our own closer.

    I've heard good things about The Velvet Hours. Enjoy your week! Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES


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