Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Post, Mailbox Monday and It's Monday What Are You Reading? April 9 Edition

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

It was back to winter this week with temps well below the zero mark. Winter does not want to leave this year.

I got a lovely email from Feedspot this week telling me that my blog has been selected as one of the Top 25 Canadian Book Bloggers. This is the most comprehensive list of the best Canadian Book Bloggers on the Internet and I'm honoured to have been chosen. Yay!

Mailbox Monday Edition

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Mailbox Monday now has a permanent home on its blog. Link up to share your MM.

For Review:

I like immigrant stories in kidlit.

This one is described as a witty Regency romance.

Free Kindle books:

A novella Regency fairytale. Pure escapism.

Time travel meets the Wild West


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever-growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

What I read and/or featured last week:

From the Future With Love by Alison McKenzie (Review) This was a fun time travel story with a bittersweet ending

The Myths of Safe Pesticides by André Leu (Review & Giveaway!) Eye-opening info on poisons in our food 

The Ticket by Fred Shackelford (Book Spotlight and Giveaway!) Check out this author;s debut novel and enter to win $50 Amazon GC

 Reading Now:

Stop by and enter my giveaways!

Also posted on the right sidebar.

Hope you all have a great reading week.

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  1. so tired of winter here as well, it feels like it will never good away ;/ Interesting new reads! Enjoy your books :D

  2. Congratulations for the recognition from Feedspot! It's cold here too but spring should be back by the end of the week. Enjoy your new books!

  3. Ooh, nice looking books! I am curious about Sass, Smarts, & Stilettos. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Congrats on being one of the top bloggers! Have a great week and enjoy your new books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. Same here it was warm and then it got cold again. The temps are supposed to go back up into the 70s this week but I don't know if Spring is here to stay. Congrats on being a top blogger. I hope you have a great week.

    1. We usually go from winter to summer, from winter coats to shorts. Not much of a spring...

  6. Congratulations!!! That's awesome- and well deserved. Good for you! :)

    Same here w/ weather- it's been cold and snowed twice this week. Spring is AWOL!

  7. Oh Winter won't leave here either! Congrats on the blog. That is awesome. Have a great week!

  8. Congrats on the recognition. We are trying to push winter out too, but it is being stubborn.

  9. Congrats on being chosen one of Canada's top bloggers! Well deserved. Winter isn't leaving Minnesota yet either. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  10. Congrats on being part of the Top 25! The Beast of Bath is eye catching. Enjoy.

  11. Congratulations on the amazing recognition from Feedspot. I don't know about you, but unsolicited praise always makes me feel special and makes it all worth while!

    Whilst your historical romance book choices are a bit too over the top for my liking, I do like the cover of 'A Wager To Win' and when I checked out the premise of 'The Beast Of Bath', certain aspects of the story line struck me as very 'Beauty And The Beast-ish'

    Enjoy all your books and have a good week :)


    1. 2018 has been a tough year for me so far so this DID make me feel good. I don't usually read too much romance but these books did catch my eye for some reason.

  12. Congrats and enjoy all your books! I'm looking forward to spring too.

  13. This is the first time I am visiting your site and I should say I love it. And your blog deserves the prize and more. Can you send more of winter to my place at Dubai? The summer is almost here and I dread it already.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I have a sister who lived in Dubai for 5 months and said that the summers are unbearable. But I'd gladly send you some cold if you trade in some of that heat!

  14. A witty regency romance sounds a good description! Congrats on making it onto a list of Canadian book bloggers, something to lift your heart.

    1. I know, right? Whenever I see the words witty and Regency together I think it a great combination. Yes, the nomination was uplifting!

  15. It's just been entirely too wintery this year. lol Hope yall warm up a smidge!

  16. What a great group of books. A Wager to Win needs to go on my wish list. Let's hope for some spring to come soon. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. CONGRATULATIONS, Laura. :) They chose a great blog for sure. Exciting news for you.

    It snowed lightly all day yesterday, and it is quite cold today. I hope warm temperatures arrive for all of us soon.

    ENJOY your books, and CONGRATS again.

  18. Congratulations on being top blogger.


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