Sunday, October 16, 2016

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday, What Are You Reading? Oct 17 Edition

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia who now blogs at To Be Continued. It is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Mailbox Monday now has a permanent home on its blog. Link up to share your MM.

Went apple picking with kids and friends last Monday. Came home and made apple pie. Yum! 

My son crunching on a freshly picked Cortland apple

One review book in my mailbox and two bought:

Body Punishment: OCD, Addiction and Finding the Courage to Heal by Maggie Lamond Simone

For as long as she can recall, Maggie Lamond Simone has been plagued by self-loathing and urges to harm herself physically while emotionally sabotaging her life. In Body Punishment: OCD, Addiction and Finding the Courage to Heal (Central Recovery Press, April 2015), she reveals it all. The obsessive thoughts that drove her to cut, starve, pick, drink, pluck, purge, and otherwise hurt herself. The profound shame, the utter despair and the confusion over her own inner workings that prevented her from establishing stable, long-term goals and healthy relationships. 

Through this poignant story of her painful, eye-opening journey she explores the issues of substance abuse, anxiety, and depression that commonly occur with OCD, all in an effort to further the dialogue around mental illness and eliminate the shame and help others find a way forward toward healing.
In Body Punishment, Maggie Simone provides a deeply personal account of her experiences with OCD and addiction. She shows how one can overcome significant psychiatric challenges while leading a productive, fulfilling life.”
—Kevin P. Hill, MD, MHS, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School

The Ruins of Lace by Iris Anthony

The mad passion for forbidden lace has infiltrated France, pulling soldier and courtier into its web. For those who want the best, Flemish lace is the only choice, an exquisite perfection of thread and air. For those who want something they don't have, Flemish lace can buy almost anything-or anyone.

For Lisette, lace begins her downfall, and the only way to atone for her sins is to outwit the noble who know demands an impossible length of it. To fail means certain destruction. But for Katharina, lace is her salvation. It is who she is; it is what she does. If she cannot make this stunning tempest of threads, a dreaded fate awaits.

A taut, mesmerizing story, The Ruins of Lace explores the intricate tangle of fleeting beauty, mad obsession, and ephemeral hope.

What a Mother Knows by Leslie Lehr

How Far Will a Mother Go to Find Her Daughter?

Michelle Mason can't remember that day, that drive, that horrible crash that killed the young man in her car. All she knows is she's being held responsible, and her daughter is missing.

Despite a shaky marriage, a threatening lawsuit, and troubling flashbacks pressing in on her, Michelle throws herself into searching. Her daughter in the one person who might know what really happened that day, but the deeper Michelle digs, the more she questions the innocence of those closest to her, even herself. As her search hurtles toward a shattering revelation, Michelle must face the biggest challenge of her life.

A poignant story of the unshakable bond between mother and child, What a Mother Knows is about finding the truth that can set love free.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

Stop by and enter my giveaways!

Also posted on the right sidebar.

Hope you all have a great reading week.

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  1. Hi Laura,

    Your apple pie looks delicious and with so much yummy fruity filling. Great with hot custard, thick cream, or vanilla ice cream ... My personal favourite - the ice cream option.

    I really like the look and sound of 'The Ruins Of Lace'. This is definitely one for my list, so thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Reading and have a good week.


  2. That apple picking looks fun! What a Mother Knows looks really good!

  3. What a Mother Knows looks really good...thanks for sharing.

    That apple pie reminds me of what I love most about fall. Pie and apple picking, only in the reverse order, of course.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. The pie looks delicious. We went leaf peeping on Friday and stopped at a farm stand to buy apples. Love this time of year. have a great week!

  5. Ooh! I absolutely love apple pie!
    Here's my It's Monday! What are you reading:

  6. Ooh, the pie looks yummy! I love apple picking!

    Hope you enjoy The Ruins of Lace. I really liked that one.

  7. My mouth watered as soon as I saw the apple pie and I am not hungry because I have just eaten. Yummy. Enjoy those books.

  8. Interesting picks this week and your pie looks yummy! Happy Reading!

  9. That pie looks good!

    The Ruins of Lace sounds very interesting. Happy reading!

  10. Yum, yum, yum on that apple pie.

    Nice books. The Ruins of Lace has a gorgeous cover.

    ENJOY all of your books and your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  11. I love the idea of picking fruit with the kids... and baking pie! I really like the looks and sound of The Ruins Of Lace. Hope you have a great week.

  12. We haven't been apple picking yet and we need to visit the pumpkin patch...where has this month gone?! Ruins of Lace sounds like a good read.

  13. The apple picking looks so nice.


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