Daughter of Mine by Laura Fabiani (Rated: C)
Here is a review of my novel from Reader Views (http://www.readerviews.com/)
Tiziana Manoretti has it all, wonderful job, great friends and family, a promising future. Or so she thinks; one fateful day her entire perfect world is turned upside down. The wonderful connection she has with her family is ripped to pieces along with her heart when she finds out that she has been living a lie her entire life. Each day becomes more and more strained until she decided to get away and search for the thing she feels she is missing. As some relationships fall apart others offer hope for a future.
"The villa was a place of refuge, a paradisiacal retreat tucked in among the verdant hills of the ancient little town of Gaeta, facing one of the most beautiful Italian shorelines along the Gulf of Naples. It was known in the Neapolitan dialect as A Villete Picerelle (pronounced pee-chu-rielle), meaning ‘the little villa.’" As Laura Fabiani describes the little villa it seems as if only the most wonderful of things should take place there. This little villa that seems so serene is where the box that holds the answers to all of Tiziana’s questions is located. Finding the inner strength to face her past is the only way Tiziana will be able to embrace her future.
"Daughter of Mine" is one of those pieces of work that will have you holding onto every last word. Delving into this family’s intricate relationship reveals the pain that choices can inflict even when those choices are made out of love. A book that would be highly recommended to readers, "Daughter of Mine" by Laura Fabiani is a passionate example of the strength of family love.
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