Monday, March 6, 2017

INDIA by Debra Schoenberger (Review and Giveaway!)

Today I'm super excited to be kicking off the blog tour for Debra Schoenberger's third photography book! Each book she published is unique and I have enjoyed them all, but she really captured a side to India I have never seen with this latest release. Debra traveled with a guide from National Geographic Journeys and was able to go places a tourist normally would not go or have access to. Check out my review of INDIA and my interview with Debra. And be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a book.

Book Details:

Book Title: INDIA by Debra Schoenberger
Category: Adult Non Fiction, 164 pages
Genre: Photography / Travel / Culture
Publisher: Blurb
Release date: January 2017
Tour dates: March 6-24, 2017
Content Rating: G

Book Description:

I have always been fascinated by the sheer beauty and diversity in Indian culture. "Sensory overload in a glance" is an apt description of a country that is always in movement. To be able to stand still in the middle of all that movement allows me to really "see" her people and absorb the flow of life from birth to death.

From learning how to make yellow ink from cow urine to watching funeral pyres burn in Varanasi, I realized that I would have to spend a lifetime here to grasp the immense value of her art, stunning architecture, fascinating food and love of all that is beautiful.

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My Review:
Reviewed by Laura Fabiani

All my friends who have been to India have described how vibrant and so culturally different India is. Debra Schoenberger captures that vibrancy, that exotic beauty that can both shock and fascinate visitors to India. Debra's poetic opening words in her latest book INDIA convey her keen view of and love of a country she deems unforgettable.

Bollywood glamour clashes with garbage-strewn rivers
Foraging cows, goats and lazy pigs happily share their street with
vibrant sparkling saris

Debra's street photography captures every day life in India and its icons photographed to enhance their beauty in different ways, such as that of the Taj Mahal's cupolas framed against the backdrop of a smog-filled sunrise. Smiling young girls bejeweled and resplendent in bold-colored sari, every day objects that turn into art through her lens, street artisans selling their wares, children, animals and architecture. My favorite were the women of all ages, their bright saris contrasting with the dirty drab streets or standing out amidst the intricate patterns of a building.

There seems little that escapes Debra's hungry camera and yet each photograph offers what one imagines to be but glimpses of India's chaotic and diverse culture. Each picture tells a story, and again, as in her previous books, I would have wished to know where the photo was taken and in some cases what was the motivation, inspiration or purpose for taking the photo.

This is a stunning book. Debra's best yet. Each book she published is unique and I have enjoyed them all, but she really captured a side to India I have never seen with this latest release. Debra traveled with a guide from National Geographic Journeys and was able to go places a tourist normally would not go or have access to. If you love photography and/or India, this is a beautiful coffee table book to add to your collection.

To read more reviews, please visit Debra Schoenberger's page on iRead Book Tours.

Disclosure: Thanks to the author for sending me this book for review. I was not told how to rate or review this product.

Other photo books by Debra Schoenberger you may want to add to your collection:

My Interview with Debra Schoenberger:

LCR: Hi Debra! Congratulations on publishing your third photographing book. Can you describe your book INDIA in 20 words or less?

DS: A street photographer’s pursuit to capture the heart and soul of India.

LCR: You've been to India several times. What made this trip different?

DS: I was able to really “dig deeper” into Indian culture and history. I travelled on practically every form of transportation there is in India!

LCR: You took this trip with National Geographic Journeys. Tell us what that was like.

DS: The advantage of travelling with a guide from National Geographic Journeys was being able to go places a tourist normally would not go or have access to. We were able to enjoy a cooking lesson with a royal family in Jaipur and visit the Taj Mahal before sunrise when there were no other people. We also went to a Bollywood movie in a theatre which was really quite an eye-opening experience! I never saw and heard so many fans cheer for their favourite hero!

LCR: What do you love the most about India?

DS: The colours / the constant movement around you / unpredictability of not knowing what comes next

LCR: What do you dislike about India?

DS: There is very little effort to protect the environment. Garbage is strewn everywhere and rivers are polluted and filled with it. The country is very polluted due to smoke from industry and burning garbage. When I was in Delhi the pollution had reached critical levels due, in part, to the Diwali celebrations and slash burning in the Punjab.

LCR: If you could travel to the past, where would you go and why?

DS: Ancient Pompeii has always interested me, so I think I would like to go there (before the volcano). The devastated city was so well preserved that we have detailed insight into what their life may have been like. I would love to have been a fly on someone’s wall!

LCR: Thanks for chatting with me!

Meet the author / photographer: 

Debra Schoenberger aka #girlwithcamera

"My dad always carried a camera under the seat of his car and was constantly taking pictures. I think that his example, together with pouring over National Geographic magazines as a child fuelled my curiosity for the world around me.

I am a documentary photographer and street photography is my passion. Some of my images have been chosen by National Geographic as editor's favourites and are on display in the National Geographic museum in Washington, DC. I also have an off-kilter sense of humour so I'm always looking for the unusual.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Facebook ​~ Instagram ~ Pinterest

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  1. I would love to learn more about India!

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely review and participation in this blog tour! Debra

    1. I'm thrilled you were able to achieve another of your lofty goals with this publication. Your best yet!

  3. I love photography and travel! This book looks amazing and right up my alley!

  4. These are beautiful photos. I like India and have travelled there. I would love this book.

    1. I have never been to India, but this books makes me want to go visit.

  5. i would love to read this!

  6. India is just next to my country but you can visit hundreds of times and still find something different to see. I've not finished my list. The South is so different from the North and I have still to do so many places!



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