Thursday, October 20, 2016

The 10 Myths of Teen Dating by Daniel Anderson and Jacquelyn Anderson (Review)

A uniquely resourceful book for any parent with a teen daughter and an eye-opener for any young girl who wants to date.

Book Details:

Title: The 10 Myths of Teen Dating: Truths Your Daughter Needs to Know to Date Smart, Avoid Disaster, and Protect Her Future
Authors: Daniel Anderson with his daughter Jacquelyn Anderson
Publisher: David C Cook
Published: September 2016
Trade paperback, 254 pages
Content rating: G

Book Description:

There's no greater moment of panic in a parent's life than when their daughter begins to date.

Due to their lack of knowledge about the world their teens face coupled with the scant dating information they received as teens, many parents feel ill-equipped to guide their daughters through the minefield that is teen dating.

And by the same token, teenage girls crave information about dating and relationships. And left to their own devices, many will develop their own assumptions about dating by talking to their friends or watching the latest TV shows and movies. But that will only lead them down a path toward heartbreak.

So how do you engage your daughter in discussions about dating, relationships, and her future happiness? Expert educator Daniel Anderson and his twenty something daughter, Jacquelyn, help you navigate the biggest dating myths, including: the myth that a boyfriend will make your daughter happy, that she should trust her feelings, or that sex will enhance her relationship. Combining the latest scientific research with poignant personal stories, as well as proven truths and practical application, The 10 Myths of Teen Dating will equip you to teach your daughter how to date smart for today . . . and tomorrow.

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My Review:
Reviewed by Laura Fabiani

I enjoy reading parenting books because although I consider myself a good parent, there is nothing that prepares you for the lack of confidence you will feel on some days. My kids are now teens and it reminds me somewhat of the toddler years when testing independence was a big transitional stage. 

So the minute I saw this book I thought I could use some advice as my daughter is now 15 and the topic of dating has come up because some of the older teens she is hanging out with are dating and getting married young. As parents, we are relieved she feels like we do that she should focus on her studies and use her youth to travel, make new friends and learn about other cultures. But as I began to read this book, I realised that although my daughter may be mature, she certainly wasn't immune to the way teens and her peers think! 

I'll tell you straight off that this is one of the best parenting books I have read. It's well-written and researched and the author is a veteran high school teacher who is also a father of two grown daughters and a son. The writing is engaging, intelligent and at times poignant. The minute I began to read this book, I learned new things and I continued to learn new things throughout. 

As a parent, I appreciated the psychological, physiological and statistical information dispensed in such an absorbing way that I easily read through this book. Every chapter ends with questions for reflection, questions for parents to discuss with their daughters and a short intro to the next chapter. I read many non-fiction books and the way this one is laid out is well-organized with a creative narrative that includes conversations with teen girls and anecdotes of actual incidents that are insightful and drive the point home.

What's more, the author's daughter who is now also a teacher, includes her honest observations and feelings of what it was like to be a teen girl during the dating years. She includes her views on why certain parental tactics did not work and the mistakes she made. Her candid and sincere remarks were an eye-opener for me! This dual viewpoint, actual make that triple viewpoint of experienced parent, teacher and teen daughter was brilliant.

My experience as a Special Care Counsellor applauds the valuable information this book provides in helping both parents and teens navigate the difficult and emotionally trying teenage years. This is an excellent resource for both parents, educators, counsellors and teens. But the parent in me is so grateful that Mr. Anderson took the time to write a book that informs and empowers both parents and their daughters to work together and understand each other. The world of teens, their lingo and way of communicating today is so different from when we were that young, that as parents we need to stay abreast and do all we can to understand it.

I will recommend this book to all my parent friends, make sure my husband reads it too and apply the good advice and suggestions to open discussions on dating with my daughter. This is a must-read for all parents of teens, even those who only have boys so they can help them understand how girls think in terms of a relationship. It will be included in my list of Best Books Read in 2016. Highly highly recommended!

To read more reviews, please visit the authors' page on Litfuse.

Disclosure: Thanks to Litfuse for sending me this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.

About the authors:

Daniel Anderson is a former college All-American basketball player, an expert educator, and a father of two grown daughters and a son. As a veteran high school teacher in the public school system, Daniel was troubled by how his students approached dating and relationships. He and his daughter, Jacquelyn Anderson---a twenty something and also a high school teacher---decided to address this need by equipping parents with The 10 Myths of Teen Dating, their first book together. Daniel and Jacquelyn both make their home in Portland, Oregon.

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