ISBN: 9780615882314
Published by: Pancora Press
Published: September 2013
Paperback, 378 pages
Ronnie Lake, a 50-something divorced, well-to-do-woman is
“an AARP broad,” “an accidental detective” as she styles herself. When her
much-loved brother becomes involved with an almost-too-perfect, beautiful, mystery
woman, risking his happiness, fortune, and possibly, his life, Ronnie rushes in
to get to the bottom of things. Ronnie (Veronica Rutherfurd Lake) takes Aikido
(martial arts) training and threaded throughout the story are techniques that
she eventually gets to use in the real world.
Just when I thought I had figured out the plot, the
author threw in some intriguing twists and turns that kept me turning the
pages. And she is imaginative in including Ronnie’s fantasies about James Bond.
“Good evening, Mr. Bond. I ease into the
warm tub with my glass of pinot noir, looking up at the large picture of Sean
Connery hanging on the bathroom wall. The candles are lit, and the lighting is
low. The mood is just right for a conversation with my favorite spy.”
I liked Ronnie. She is a funny, nosy, cool woman who
drives a Mustang, loves her family devotedly, and has a wonderful German shepherd
sidekick called Warrior. I want a dog like that!
This is a fast-paced, humorous, mystery romp.
Note: This book is rated P = profanity (mild).
About the author:

For more information, you can check out Niki Danforth's website.
Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosure: Thanks to Stephanie Grossman for sending me this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.
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