Back Channel Press
ISBN: 978-0979179051
Published Sept 2010
Paperback, 447 pages
I have read all of Tyler R. Tichelaar's books and I have thoroughly enjoyed them. He is truly a master storyteller with the ability to create believable and unforgettable characters. All of his books are set in Marquette, Michigan, from its humble beginnings to its present day. After reading Tichelaar's books I wanted to visit Marquette—and so did many of his readers, which is one of the reasons he wrote the non-fiction book My Marquette. It is an insider look into the author's personal love of his city as he explores its history and in particular how it relates to his family and to his novels.
Truly what appealed to me most about this book is how Tichelaar ties all the true historical details, landmarks and events from Marquette to his books and writes about how they inspired him. His research is extensive, but not dry or boring, and shows the work behind his literature. Actually, with each historical landmark Tichelaar highlights in this book, he quotes a paragraph or page from one of his previous novels where that very landmark was significant. And although I read his books a year ago, I remember the setting and characters clearly. That's how real his characters were to me and how this author has the gift of bringing history to life. It wouldn't surprise me if his novels became classic books in Marquette because, frankly, they should.
Speaking of characters, Tichelaar writes about the family members and ancestors that inspired his characters. He included his family tree and in some ways has immortalized and honoured his ancestors and those of Marquette through this book. His ability to take his childhood memories and the rich heritage from his ancestors and spin them into an unforgettable saga spanning over 150 years and five novels attests to the brilliant work of this author. Reading My Marquette gave me the desire to re-read these novels.
I highly recommend this book to all readers of Tichelaar's books, to all Marquette and Upper Peninsula residents and to history buffs looking to know more about The Queen City of the North through a personalized tour. Marquette residents can be proud that a gifted author—a seventh generation Marquette resident has put their city on a map.
Want to know more about this author's books? See my reviews here:
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