Monday, April 5, 2010

Read, Remember, Recommend: A Reading Journal for Book Lovers by Rachelle Rogers Knight

Read, Remember, Recommend: A Reading Journal for Book Lovers by Rachelle Rogers Knight (Rated: C)
Sourcebooks, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-4022-3718-8
Published April 1, 2010
Paperback, 320 pages

This is a brilliant book for book lovers—how smart of Rachelle to come up with this organizing and fun journal! Its spiral-bound format with tabs renders this book practical and easy to use. There are six tabs indicating six sections: Awards and Notable Lists, To Read, Journal Pages, Recommendations, Loaner Lists, and Resources.

In the introduction, Rachelle explains how to make the best use of this book. The first half is made up checklists of books that have won awards and were nominated on notable lists. At the end of this section there is also a “blank lists” section where you can record your own lists. (I already started one.) I went through this extensive section (2500 reading suggestions) and realized there are a lot of books I have not yet read but would like to. So I checked off those I already owned and read and marked those I wanted to read. I’m certain my local library will have most of these books. How convenient to have these lists all together for easy reference.

The second tab is where you can keep track of books you want to read (that haven’t been mentioned elsewhere). I’ve got scraps of papers strewn on my desk with titles I jot down as I visit book blogs and pick up book recommendations. Now I can record them in this handy book. The only problem is that there’s only space to record 59 books. A few more pages would have allowed for more book recording. Book bloggers can have long wishlists!

Next are the Journal Pages where you can record the book you are currently reading along with comments and thoughts, words to define, and passages to remember. This is neat, but again, not enough pages for me. This section takes up less than ¼ of the book. Since this is a reading journal for book lovers I would have added more pages in this section and perhaps removed the next section on listing books you’d like to recommend since the other sections already allow for this to be noted. The Loaner Lists section for keeping track of books loaned and borrowed is so practical. How many times have we lent or borrowed a book and forgot whom we gave it to or whom we took it from? Not anymore!

Finally, the section on Resources is invaluable—filled with a wealth of book-related information you can find on the Web. There is also a section on Literary Terms, useful for the reader who wants to better understand the craft of writing and thus enhance their reading experience. Since I am a writer, book reviewer and book club organizer, I find this book particularly useful, and I have no doubt it will serve as a constant companion as I indulge in my love of reading and writing.

For more information on this book and the author, visit For you younger readers, there is a version specifically for you: Read, Remember, Recommend for Teens: A Reading Journal for Book Lovers. You can also enter the reading challenges based on these books.

Tomorrow I will be posting the giveaway for this book. So come back for a chance to win this handy tool for book lovers!

You can buy this book at: or Barnes and Nobles

Disclosure: Thank you to Carrie from Sourcebooks for sending me this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.

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  1. I have this and can not wait to review it. I love it!

  2. Since I don't read multiple books each week (but I do read a couple each month) this would be good for me. I recently tried creating a Word document to keep track of the books in 2010, but I think I have already left several off!

  3. I have not seen a bad review for this book! It would be nice to have to keep track of what I have read and what I want to read. Too bad there isn't a way to add in more pages. It still would be great to use as a guide to get my reading life organized! I need all the help I can get!

  4. I like that it has two parts. The checklist is great and I love that I can keep track of books.

  5. This sounds awesome! I would love to try it out. I always forget the names of books and authors and would love a way to keep track of what I've read!

  6. I love it!! I never keep track of my books and always forget which ones I love


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