Title: Have a Magical Day: 7 Keys to Living Happy Every Day by Wendell Miracle
Category: Adult NonFiction, 111 pages
Genre: Self-Help
Publisher: Self-published
Published on: February 17, 2020
Content Rating: G
You do not need to wait for all your prayers to be answered to be happy.
You do not need to wait until all of your dreams are fulfilled to start celebrating your life.
You can make every day magical and every day happy.
Wendell Miracle suffered from anxiety, depression and went bankrupt.
Now he's living a life of abundance, and has an Instagram account with over 350,000 followers who look forward to his daily motivational posts. He has also been featured on the front page of Yahoo Finance who described him as: "Wendell Miracle is a one-of-a-kind social media influencer who cares more about emotional wellness than popularity or financial gain."
Wendell is also a widely popular life coach who’s helped thousands of clients achieve career, relationship, and financial success.
Now you can get access to what Wendell Miracle teaches in his book “Have a Magical Day.”
This book proposes powerful principles that each person can implement in their life to manifest their goals and dreams, to enjoy the process and journey along the way, and to be happy every single day.
This amazing book will change your life.
Get yourself a copy and take a big step on your route to lasting happiness.
Reviewed by Laura Fabiani
I've been a long-time reader of books focusing on wellness based on positivity, so I was attracted to this book with it's minimalist book cover. For the most part, there's nothing new in this book that I have not read elsewhere. However, repetition is key to applying any principles for change and I did not mind the refresher reading.
Wendell Miracle outlines 7 keys to living happy every day. He mixes biblical teachings with the law of attraction. So although I agree with him that being grateful and helping others brings us lasting happiness, I don't fully agree that God or the universe will give us all we desire just because we visualize or celebrate these desires daily. This is because not all that we desire is in line with what God requires of us.
The author then states that if we experience the opposite of what we are asking, to not get discouraged because "God will often send tests to see how bad you really want it." Not really, since James 1:13 says that when under trial, let no one say: "I am being tried (or tested) by God." The author states that he has been successful in life, telling us he is now a top salesman for a company. Success has many other definitions for me.
This is a small book with 14 lines per page. If typed with fewer spaces this book is actually more of a brochure. It can be read in 2 hours. I think this is good to know for a book that sells for over $17 CDN for print and over $9 for Kindle! It's information you could easily get online for free.
The author is very enthusiastic (lots of exclamation points throughout the text!) as he spouts his views with a few anecdotal testimonies to stress his point. However, if you're looking for a book on how to attain peak happiness, I suggest Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking and Health by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Or if you are often on the go, listen to the free audiobook on Audible Habits for Happiness: 10 Daily Steps for Living Your Happiest Life by Tim Sharp.
Disclosure: Thanks Smith Publicity for sending me this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.
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