Aoleon Press
Published Jan 31, 2015
eBook, 73 pages
Our Thoughts:
Reviewed by Laura & Son
I'm currently working with Brent LeVasseur, a talented author who wrote and illustrated this MG sci-fi action adventure tale that has captured the attention of kids, teachers, moms and book bloggers. He's got fans of all ages who are gleefully enjoying the adventures of Gilbert and Aoléon the Martian girl.
When Brent first contacted me last October and told me about his 12-year project that was soon to be released in a five-part series, he asked me what I thought of the book and if I would be able to help him market it. Having read a slew of MG books with my kids I was quickly taken in with Aoléon The Martian Girl. The illustrations alone were just awesome.
I showed the book to my son who wouldn't open a book on his own unless it was for a school project. Publishers were sending me MG books and my son barely looked at them. I was getting desperate to find a book he would look at! When I showed him Aoléon and asked him what he thought, his first reaction was, "Yeah, that looks cool, I'll read it." And he actually did. My reluctant reader son not only read this book, but he loved it and thought it was funny and super cool.
If you've been following my blog long enough, you know by now that I like to advocate great children's literature. After I saw how happy my son was reading LeVasseur's book, I was determined to help this author get the word out. And it's been so rewarding to see bloggers and their kids love this book just as much as my son and I did. But don't take my word for it, I'll let my son give you his impressions:
Review of Aoléon The Martian Girl by 11-year-old Alessio:
This book was funny and cool. I laughed at some of the scenes, especially the chase scenes that made a lady smear lipstick all over her face and cows that started to fly. When I was reading it, I could see it like a movie in my head. I hope this book gets made into a movie. The jokes in this book are good for younger audiences but some things would only make sense to older audiences (way older). It also helped that the author included a glossary in the back of the book.
Gilbert is my favorite character. He is funny, cute and smart. He knows his stuff and he is curious. I liked his space suit and how he was amazed by the planet Mars and what Aoléon showed him. Aoléon is also a cute, smart and independent girl. She helps Gilbert fit in and not be discovered. But the thing I liked the most about this book is the graphics. The pics are amazing and stunning. I liked looking at them and seeing all the details that the author put in the illustrations.
So pretty much the only thing that I wished was that the book moved at a faster pace at the beginning because I wanted to get into the action. But my mom, who reads a lot (and I mean a lot!) says that it's normal at the beginning of a series that the author takes the time to build the characters and the storyline. But I still loved this amazing book!
To read more reviews of Aoléon The Martian Girl, please visit the following pages on iRead:
Part Three: The Hollow Moon (being reviewed throughout month of March)
Part Four: Illegal Aliens (being reviewed throughout month of April)
Part Five: The Great Pyramid of Cydonia (available for review in May)
Do you like to read MG books? Do you have kids who love to read or as in my case are reluctant readers? If you'd like to review this book, I'd love to send you a copy. Leave me a comment or email me at ireadbooktours at gmail dot com.
About the Author:
Connect with Brent: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Aoleon The Martian Girl
Note: This book is rated G. There are some comic-type fighting scenes with lazer guns.
Disclosure: Thanks to the author for sending us this book for review. We were not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.
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