Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Have a Happy Family by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman

Have a Happy Family by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman
Revel (Baker Publishing Group)
ISBN: 978-0800724153
Published August 2014
Trade paperback, 304 pages

I like reading parenting books. Although I studied child psychology and I practice Biblical teachings, I like to strive to learn more, especially when we parents have the challenge to bring up our kids in a technological-based world.

As children grow from babies to toddlers, preschoolers, middle-graders and finally teenagers, what you think you know about your kids suddenly flies out the window when your emotions get involved and you go through your own life changes too.

When I first saw the title of this book I thought it was unrealistic, but as I started reading I found the counsel to be very realistic, practical and loving. It fit right in with my own family values and ways of parenting.

Dr. Leman dispenses his counsel with knowledge and experience. I felt like I was reading a letter from a very experienced parent and grandparent who has seen it all. Best of all, Dr. Leman has a wonderful sense of humour and his love of family shines through in this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and meditating on the counsel it contains. Dr. Leman gets kids and he gets teenagers. He gets how to make families thrive. I read a portion of this book every night and it made me love my kids more, it made me see them with new eyes, especially after some difficult days with them.

Dr. Leman incorporates all parts of a family, including grandparents. He delves into essential topics like communication, time and priorities, discipline and attitude. There is even a section called Ask Dr. Lemon with question and answer, much like Dear Abby. I also enjoyed the anecdotal stories he includes.

Overall, this is an easy book to read and Dr. Leman motivates one to take action and to follow through. However, that doesn't mean the advice is simplistic. It's actually quite deep and filled with wisdom. Highly recommended, especially if you want to make some positive changes to parent in the best way you can.

Note: This book is rated C = clean read.

Reviewed by Laura

Disclosure: This book has been provided courtesy of Revel (Baker Publishing Group) and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Baker Publishing Group. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.

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