Author Marketing Experts
ISBN: 978-1480224957
Published Feb 23, 2013
Trade paperback, 280 pages
The first time I read this book was in
2009, right after I published my novel and was learning how to market
it. It was the best book I had read on marketing and it taught me so
much about the latest most up-to-date marketing strategies. At the
time it signalled me to all the explosive changes that were happening
on the Internet and introduced me to the best use of social
networking. You can read my glowing review here.
Sansevieri is truly an expert in her field. She's been publishing how-to books on publishing and the online revolution since 2001, way before ebooks were popular. She now has an updated edition of Red Hot Internet Publicity that's not only an excellent resource for book marketing but any marketing online. So whether you're an author or a business owner, this is the book you want to read. I've been blogging since 2009 and I've seen how extensive online marketing has become. It can be overwhelming at times because there are so many choices out there, so much that can be done. This is where Sansevieri takes you by the hand and shows you the way.
This book is divided into 5 parts: Red Hot Search Engine Optimization, Your Website, Red Hot Social Media, Red Hot Blogging, and Driving Even More Traffic. Once again, Sansevieri makes skilful use of bullet points, boxes, subtitles, snapshots of webpages, and numbered points in articles, rendering the book easy to read and to search for specific topics. I compared this revised edition to the one I previously read and thought it to be just as good, if not better. Sansevieri goes into more detail about social networking sites in this revised edition, especially since sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn have revolutionized how we market. She shows us how to market right. Anyone can have a Facebook page but not everyone will know how to use it to the best advantage.
This book is brimming with tips, how-to sections and resources. Reading through it, one can do research on how to best market according to one's product, one's budget, and the social sites that we understand and feel comfortable using. What's more, having all this info in one book is so useful and handy. I have learned tons of new stuff about online marketing and social networking. This is an easy book to understand and apply.
This book is a great resource for authors, business professionals, bloggers, including mom bloggers, and anyone who wants to get the word out about anything. It's a keeper on my bookshelf at home and at work.
Note: This book is rated C = clean read.
Reviewed by LauraSansevieri is truly an expert in her field. She's been publishing how-to books on publishing and the online revolution since 2001, way before ebooks were popular. She now has an updated edition of Red Hot Internet Publicity that's not only an excellent resource for book marketing but any marketing online. So whether you're an author or a business owner, this is the book you want to read. I've been blogging since 2009 and I've seen how extensive online marketing has become. It can be overwhelming at times because there are so many choices out there, so much that can be done. This is where Sansevieri takes you by the hand and shows you the way.
This book is divided into 5 parts: Red Hot Search Engine Optimization, Your Website, Red Hot Social Media, Red Hot Blogging, and Driving Even More Traffic. Once again, Sansevieri makes skilful use of bullet points, boxes, subtitles, snapshots of webpages, and numbered points in articles, rendering the book easy to read and to search for specific topics. I compared this revised edition to the one I previously read and thought it to be just as good, if not better. Sansevieri goes into more detail about social networking sites in this revised edition, especially since sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn have revolutionized how we market. She shows us how to market right. Anyone can have a Facebook page but not everyone will know how to use it to the best advantage.
This book is brimming with tips, how-to sections and resources. Reading through it, one can do research on how to best market according to one's product, one's budget, and the social sites that we understand and feel comfortable using. What's more, having all this info in one book is so useful and handy. I have learned tons of new stuff about online marketing and social networking. This is an easy book to understand and apply.
This book is a great resource for authors, business professionals, bloggers, including mom bloggers, and anyone who wants to get the word out about anything. It's a keeper on my bookshelf at home and at work.
Note: This book is rated C = clean read.
Disclosure: Thanks to Author Marketing Services for sending me this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.
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